
Change creator permissions for your smart contract by removing or adding multiple accountIds in one call.

Account IDs in the removeCreators array will lose creator permission for the specified contract. Ids in the addCreators array get granted that permission.

As with all new SDK api methods, this call should be wrapped in execute and passed a signing method

This is only available on Mintbase v2 smart contracts, if you are using a Mintbase v1 contract, use batchChangeMinters instead.

batchChangeCreators(args: BatchChangeCreatorsArgs): NearContractCall

batchChangeCreators takes a single argument of type BatchChangeCreatorsArgs

type BatchChangeCreatorsArgs = {
    //the contract you own for which you wish to grant or revoke creator access
    // as an argument or through CONTRACT_ADDRESS env
    contractAddress?: string;
    //an array of ids that will be added as creators for the given contractId, if nothing is provided no creators will be added
    addCreators: string[];
    //an array of ids that will be removed as creators for the given contractId, if nothing is provided no creators will be removed
    removeCreators: string[];

React example

Example usage of batchChangeMinters method in a hypothetical React component:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { useWallet } from '@mintbase-js/react';
import { execute, batchChangeCreators, BatchChangeCreatorsArgs } from '@mintbase-js/sdk';

export const BatchChangeMintersComponent = ({ contractAddress, addCreators, removeCreators }: BatchChangeCreatorsArgs): JSX.Element => {

  const { selector } = useWallet();

  const handleBatchChangeMinters = async (): Promise<void> => {

    const wallet = await selector.wallet();

    await execute(
          contractAddress: contractAddress,
          addCreators: addCreators,
          removeCreators: removeCreators

  return (
      <button onClick={handleBatchChangeCreators}>
        batchChangeCreatorcs for contractId : {contractAddress}

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