
This is a work in progress, please reach out to us on Telegram for support.

For the most reliable data, reference our existing graphql docs.

Returns tokens owned by ownerId in a particular contractAddress with pagination pagination: {limit:12, offset:0} params.

ownedNftsByStore({ownerId: string, contractAddress:string, pagination: { limit:number, offset: number }, network?: "testnet" | "mainnet"})

This is an example of a data api method.


import { ownedNftsByStore } from '@mintbase-js/data'

const props = {
  ownerId: 'rub3n.testnet',
  contractAddress: 'audiobr.mintspace2.testnet',
  pagination:  { limit: 20 , offset: 0},
  network: 'testnet',

const {data, error} = await ownedNftsByStore(props);

if (error) {console.log('error', error)}

console.log(ownedNfts.token[0]) // => 1st token of the list.

Last updated